Rainbow Bridge
Snopeak’s Duke Nuke’em!
Lab X
Born: 11.11.05 | Died: 02.12.20
Duke came to us from the Dogs Trust, he lasted 3 days in his previous home, they phoned a behaviourist and asked if it was normal for a dog to vertically jump six foot in the air and just about hit his head off the ceiling! This was after his initial home could no longer handle him.
He had an amazing amount of energy and could manage TWO HOURS of agility classes and then still be running about, he loved to run in harness and was very manageable indoors! We have close contact with the West Calder Dogs Trust where he came from and the staff there were concerned that he was going to become one of their ‘sticky’ dogs; a dog that sticks at the centre and does not move on. He was getting so worked up in the kennel environment that he could no longer be kennelled with other dogs.
After Susan, the centre manager, had seen a picture of him running on a sled in a team after the Aviemore event 2007 she arranged for him to be photographed for the Sunday Mail and an article was written about his success story.
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