Sleddog Welfare

Every year thousands of sled dogs are abandoned, lost or for some other reason find themselves without a good home. This is a tragic and unfortunate situation, but help is at hand. Thanks to the kindness, dedication and sheer bloody-mindedness of dog lovers all over the country a lot of these dogs find new, permanent & loving homes. 

There are a number of Welfare Associations in the UK & abroad, we have listed the main ones here but this list is in no way comprehensive. Alternatively you could search for welfare/rescue associations in your area.

There are always dogs out there needing a new home!

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About Our Programme

Bridget Robertson co-ordinates the fundraising events for Snopeak Sled Dog Fundraising. Her husband Ewan has been involved in a variety of events over the past quarter of a century including sponsored walks, cycles, 24-hours events, discos and specialising in the last 20 or so years in dog orientated events. The majority of which have included sled dogs. They have been active in the dog community for a good number of years now and Ewan first qualified a dog for Crufts back in 1980. A few years ago they were key in establishing the 1st ever UK charity for Sled Dogs. After taking the charity as far as he could, Ewan felt he could better serve fundraising activities though a different approach. Ewan is well known through the Sled Dog community and has made many contacts through the years and together with his PA and disco company is now able to contribute more to various types of fundraising events and making them more succesful and memorable for all those involved.

What we Do

The Snopeak Sled Dog Fundraisers are exactly what the name says, they raise funds for Sled Dogs, which are then passed to appointed rehoming schemes in the form of a grant and therefor become restricted funds within the receiving organisation to ensure that the money benefits the dogs directly and is not consumed by admin costs.Bookings can be taken for discos, PA, commentary and/or sled dogs, the requests can be singly or for a selection of the above. Historically some of the events which have been organised have included Static Displays where public can meet some sled dogs and even get their picture taken with them using digital technology and printing the picture on the day so that it can be taken away as a momento, Working Displays where the dogs can be seen running in harness and other speciality displays. Please remember that these are working dogs and not performing circus animals, which can lead to quite entertaining displays for your spectators. The dogs are our primary concern and as such weather conditions on the day may lead to a working display being cancelled, we hope you can appreciate why. All displays are subject to weather conditions on the day, facilities at the venue and of course availability.
The SSHC welfare scheme can be contacted through their website.

The SRS welfare scheme can be contacted through their website.

Saints Sled Dog Rescue can be contacted through their website.
HEART Rescue can be contacted through their website.
Dogs Trust is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. If you are interested in rehoming a dog, this would be a great place to start.

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